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مناقصه WELL logging Contractor pre- qualification

  • آگهی گزار National Iranian South Oil Company (NISOC)
    کد پارس نماد: 1057894
    استان: خوزستان تاریخ درج آگهی: 1396/11/29
    تاریخ شروع: 1396/11/28 مهلت اسناد: 1396/12/08
    شماره آگهی: first announcement منبع: خراسان 96.11.28
    عنوان آگهی: مناقصه WELL logging Contractor pre- qualification
    شرح آگهی: PERMIT NO: 1396/5426
     first announcement
    WELL logging Contractor pre- qualification (quality evaluation)
    National Iranian South Oil Company (NISOC)has floated a pre-qualification announcement to identify and evaluate qualified contractors for logging services which is required by petro-physic engineering department based on following specific and general conditions .The Company invites local and international contractors
    with proven capabilities and experience specializing in logging services for onshore drilling operations and completion of wells in extreme climate conditions, and interest to execute the subject service for NIOC ,to participate in the pre-qualification process. Work Description: 1. logging services, including: 1.1 Gathering information to evaluate and estimate hydrocarbon reserves. 1.2 Gathering information to stratigraphic information. 1.3 Cased hole logging service (perforation „plugging, PLT)and related studies. 1.4 Well productivity information, 1.5 Casing and liner corrosion control. 1.6 Study and interpretation of related logs Data. 17 Other similar logging services.
    2. Slick Line service for: 2.1 Installing and retrieving down hole tools. 2.2 Fishing and other relevant services. 2.3 Other relevant slick line services. Bidders Requirements: 1. legal entity 2. Technical knowledge and necessary engineering facilities, experience and capacity to provide services according to NIOC standards 3. availability to provide at least one dual-purpose logging unit (open-hole ,cased-hole) suitable for Irans climate especially for south region with full equipment 4. Workshop with required facilities in Ahvaz 5. Expert personal and specialized equipment for wire line and slick line services 6. Maintain minimum 15 out of 25 in equipment grade (NISOC will invite the failed contractor in limited tenders, if necessary -) In the case of announcement of partnership and cooperation for the required services, below condition must be followed: 1. Letter of declaration of readiness shall be delivered by both parties. 2. The contribution of each of the partners is clearly stated in the MOU. It should be noted that the company will be removed from vendor list with changes in members and the share of contribution from partners. A qualitative evaluation on the same percentage will be made in accordance with current regulation and procedure of the client and client may refuse to accept prohibited companies as subcontractors. By using the subcontractors, it must be specify the role of subcontractor „It is necessary to submit and announce the memorandum. Location and dead line for receiving the applicant document: Interested contractors who wish to be considered for inclusion in NISOC s approved list of contractors are required to inform their readiness after publication of the second announcement in 10 days with letter to one of these addresses which have been mentioned below At the same time they have to receive the evaluation document. Note:Completed pre-qualification document and supporting information shall be submitted as one completed hard Copy as well as on complete copy on a CD in 14 days to below addresses. Room NO 1, Contract and legal department across passenger office, park 4 st, fadaean Islam Alley ,ahwaz „or contract and legal department of national Iranian south oil company 11 The central office of national Iranian oil company , NO 17, Beyhaghi st, Argentina squared, Tehran. Contract and legal department on national Iranian south oil company

    برای شرکت در مناقصه حتما از تصویر اصل آگهی در سایت پارس نماد داده ها استفاده نمایید
    آدرس و تلفن: خوزستان, -
    آگهی شماره 1 از تعداد 1 آگهی. گزارش گیری شده در تاریخ ۱۳۹۶/۱۱/۲۹ هجری خورشیدی

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