شرح آگهی:
Tender NO: 92/220
Shahid Tondgooyan pertochemical company (STPC) intends to purchase 13MT Okite SR as follows and according to specifications described in tender documents through qualified manufacturers.
It is the purchase of Silastol 13MT Okite SR required by the tendering body on the basis of indent: wts-9140008
Location of delivery:
Phase#1,, site#4, Petrochemical Economic special zone (PESZ), Bandar Imam khomeini, khuzestan province, Iran, Tel:065226-52479
Duration of the Project:
partial shipment is not allowed.
the maximum delivery time is 1 months after purchase order
Guaranty prioce for participating in tender is Rials
Applicant for participation i n t ender must pay the amount of equivalent of 130.000.000 Rials to the account No. 1495230562 at Mellat Bank in the name of tendering body (STPC)or submit bid bond.
Place & deadline of receiving tender document:
Legal & contracts affair, phase #1, (STPC), site#4, Petrochemical Economic special Zone (PESZ), Baddar Imam khomeini, Khuzestan province, Iran.
it shall be given latest by 16.00 pm on 12/feb/14
Place & deadline of submission of price envoloped & evaluation forms:
legal & contracts affair,, phase #1, (STPC), site #4, petrochemical Economic special Zone (PESZ), Bandar Imam khomeini, khuzestan province, Iran.
It should be submitted latest by 16.00 pm on 15/mar/14
Place & date of opening priced envelopes:
Address: Conference room of main office- 10.00 on 23/Apr/14
All the bidders will be invited to attend in the meeting of opening the price envelopes. Participants should be required to register and receive user code enveloes: Participants should be required to register and receive user code in (http://iets,mporg.ir ) Meanwhile, advertisement is visible in the mentioned addresss by calling code 1296329
Note: all the details of mentioned tender are in the tender documents.
you can contact any of the addressses below:
Email: moradpour.a@stpc.ir
Tel: 065226-52043-5
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