first announcement
Tender NO: 93/239
Shahid Tondgooyan pertochemical company (STPC) intends to purchasepurchase shell oil & grease as follows and according to specifications described in tender documents through qualified manufacturers.
It is the purchase of shell oil & grease required by the tendering body on the basis of indent: wts- 9230443
Location of delivery:
Phase#1,, site#4, Petrochemical Economic special zone (PESZ), Bandar Imam khomeini, khuzestan province, Iran, Tel:065226-52479
Duration of the Project:
partial shipment is allowed.
the maximum delivery time is 3 months after purchase order
Guaranty price for participating in tender is 192.000.000 Rials
Applicant for participation i n tender must pay the amount of equivalent of 192.000.000 Rials to the account No. 1495230562 at Mellat Bank in the name of tendering body (STPC)or submit bid bond..
Place & deadline of receiving tender document:
Legal & contracts affair, phase #1, (STPC), site#4, Petrochemical Economic special Zone (PESZ), Baddar Imam khomeini, Khuzestan province, Iran.
it shall be given latest by 16.00 pm on 12/jun/14
Place & deadline of submission of price envoloped & evaluation forms:
legal & contracts affair,, phase #1, (STPC), site #4, petrochemical Economic special Zone (PESZ), Bandar Imam khomeini, khuzestan province, Iran.
It should be submitted latest by 16.00 pm on 12/aug/14
Place & date of opening priced envelopes:
Address: Conference room of main office- 11.00 on 23/sep/14
All the bidders will be invited to attend in the meeting of opening the price envelopes. Participants should be required to register and receive user code enveloes: Participants should be required to register and receive user code in (http://iets, ) Meanwhile, advertisement is visible in the mentioned addresss by calling code id 1362579&
Note: all the details of mentioned tender are in the tender documents.
you can contact any of the addressses below:
Tel: 065226-52043-5