تهران - میدان هفت تیر - ابتدای خیابان قائم مقام فراهانی - بعد از سه راه مشاهیر - کوچه سام- پلاک 17- طبقه 4
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مناقصه Supply (potable)water for Kamyaran by B.O.T method

  • آگهی گزار kurdestan regional water company
    کد پارس نماد: 594602
    استان: کردستان تاریخ درج آگهی: 1394/09/24
    تاریخ شروع: 1394/09/23 مهلت اسناد: 1394/10/13
    شماره آگهی: نوبت دوم منبع: ایران دیلی 94.09.23
    عنوان آگهی: مناقصه Supply (potable)water for Kamyaran by B.O.T method
    شرح آگهی:
    Invitation for Evaluation of Investment
    Supply (potable)water for Kamyaran by B.O.T method
    kurdestan regional water company intends to finance and carry out all necessary related task to supply water for kamyaran city by B.O.T method including financing and implementation of the pipelines, pumping stations, water storage tanks and water
    treatment plants and operating and transferring the above-mentioned, in accordance with paragrah A of Article 142 of the Fifth Development plan, through a public tender and in compliance with relevant laws and regulations
    A- Brif description of porject:
    the purpose of the project is supply 6 million cubic meters per year of water for Kamyaran city, the project is planned to supply potable water for Kamyaran city fo long-term for target year of 2041
    Total estimated cost of the project: About 287.000 million rials (2015 estimate)
    Construction and commercial operation period: 22 years , including: Construction perid: 2 years (24 months)
    Commercial operation period:20 years
    Buyer: kurdestan Regional water company on behalf of the ministry of Energy guarantees buying supplied water during operation period
    Tender guarantee: 870 million rials (eight hundred and seventy million rials)
    location: kamyaran city, kurdestan province
    B-Applicant criteria
    Able to fund and have management, construction and operation experience in simillar projects (the funder or his team)
    Eligible applicants shall receive qualification documents withing 7 days of the data of publication (up to october 12.2015) on the submission of written application of Contract affair of sadrab pouya consulting company at NO.13, Top of East sharbayani street, taavon Boulevard, shahr ziba end of Ayatollah kashani Highway .Tehran
    Completed document should be submitted in sealed envelop to sadrab pouya consulting company at above address by october 29.2015 during working hours, the opening day of the envelopes is on saturday october 31.2015
    برای شرکت در مناقصه حتما از تصویر اصل آگهی در سایت پارس نماد داده ها استفاده نمایید
    آدرس و تلفن: کردستان، شهر کامیاران
    آگهی شماره 1 از تعداد 1 آگهی. گزارش گیری شده در تاریخ ۱۳۹۴/۰۹/۲۴ هجری خورشیدی

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