آگهی مناقصه
آگهی گزار khouzestan steel company
کد پارس نماد: 71441 |
استان: سایر |
تاریخ درج آگهی: 1390/10/13 |
تاریخ شروع: 1390/10/13 |
مهلت اسناد:
1390/11/02 |
شماره آگهی: نوبت اول 52279410 |
منبع: تهران تایمز13/10/90 |
عنوان آگهی: آگهی مناقصه |
شرح آگهی:
khouzestan steel company -ksc- invites national and joint venture of national and international companies to participate in the above mentioned tender for supply of "erection and commissioning of a new ladle crane rated 300 ton for his steelmaking shop located in ahwaz, iran as per condition of the tender on turnkey/epc basis." therefore, all participants local and foreign, who have adequate reputation and experience in the related field, are invited to announce their readiness for participation by submission of written application up tp 21 january, 2012. Note 1: All competent tenderers may complete and forward the qualification documents to K.S.C by sending to the following address. Note 2: Qualified tenderers whose documents have been accepted by K.S.C evaluation technical dept. will be considered for award of tender documents. khouzestan steel company-iran-ahwaz room no.206 central 3 stories building -se tabagheie markazi expansion projects contracts department 10th kilometer of ahwaz bandar emam khomeini road tel: +986112708146 mr.jalali fax: 82/81/ +986112708080 www.ksc.ir abdollahi head of expansion contracts
برای شرکت در مناقصه حتما از
اصل آگهی
در سایت پارس نماد داده ها استفاده نمایید
آدرس و تلفن: khouzestan steel company-iran-ahwaz |
آگهی شماره 1 از تعداد 1 آگهی. گزارش گیری شده در تاریخ ۱۳۹۰/۱۰/۱۳ هجری خورشیدی
اخطار: کلیه حقوق جمع آوری این اخبار متعلق به مرکز فرآوری اطلاعات پارس نماد داده ها میباشد.هرگونه کپی برداری و سوء استفاده از این اخبار موجب پیگرد قانونی است.
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