تهران - میدان هفت تیر - ابتدای خیابان قائم مقام فراهانی - بعد از سه راه مشاهیر - کوچه سام- پلاک 17- طبقه 4
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آگهی مناقصه

  • آگهی گزار شرکت پتروشیمی شهید تندگویان ( سهامی عام )
    کد پارس نماد: 79445
    استان: تهران تاریخ درج آگهی: 1390/11/12
    تاریخ شروع: 1390/11/12 مهلت اسناد: 1390/12/02
    شماره آگهی: نوبت دوم منبع: ایران دیلی 12/11/90
    عنوان آگهی: آگهی مناقصه
    شرح آگهی: Shahid Tondgooyan Petrochemical Company (STPC) intends to purchase 850 MT CMB Catalyst as follows and according to specifications de- scribed in tender documents through qualified manufacturers. Subject: It is the purchase of 850 MT CMB Catalyst required by the tendering body on the basis ofIndent: STPC-90 1389 Note: Packing: 1 MT mc tank made by PE with metallic frame (drain valve in bottom side). Fixed on the pallet and possibility to move with lift truck. Special conditions: It is necessary to dispatch the analysis sheet and MSDS with every car- go. • Location of delivery: Phase #1, Site #4, Petrochemical Economic Special Zone (PESZ), Bandar Imam Khomeini, Khuzestan province, Iran',Tel: 065226-52479 Duration ofthe project: 1.Partial shipment allowed. 2.The maximum delivery time is 1 month after purchase order. Guaranty price for participating in tender is EI50,000. Applicants for participation in tender must pay the equivalent of 150,000 Euro to current account no. 1495230562 at Mellat Bank, in the name of'tenderin'g body (STPC). Place & time for receiving tender documents: Legal & Contracts Affair, Phase #1, (STPC), Site #4, Petrochemical Economic Special Zone (PESZ), Bandar Imarn Khomeini, Khuzestan province, Iran. Tender documents will be given latest by 16:00 pm on 05/Feb'/2012 Place & time of su bmission of offers: Legal & Contracts Affair, Phase #1, (STPC), Site #4, Petrochemical Economic Special Zone (PESZ), Bandar Imam Khomeini, Khuzestan province, Iran. Offers should be submitted latest by 16:00 pm on 061Marchl2012. Place & date of opening of price envelopes: Address: Conference room of main office-14:00 am On llIMarchl2012 All the bidders will be invited to attend the meeting of opening the price envelopes. Participants should be required to register and receive user code in (http://iets.mporg.ir) Meanwhile, the advertisement can be seen at the said address by calling code 1236685. There aren't any rights on Shahid Tondgooyan Petrochemical Company (STPC) by this advertisement for the invited companies participating in the tender, and the final decision in all cases will be taken by this com- panyexclusively. Contacts: You can contact any of the contacts mentioned below till 05/Feb./2012. Email: Moradpour.a@stpc.ir Tel: 065226-52043-5
    برای شرکت در مناقصه حتما از اصل آگهی در سایت پارس نماد داده ها استفاده نمایید
    آدرس و تلفن: تهران، Bandar Imarn Khomeini, Khuzestan province, Iran
    آگهی شماره 1 از تعداد 1 آگهی. گزارش گیری شده در تاریخ ۱۳۹۰/۱۱/۱۲ هجری خورشیدی

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اخطار: کلیه حقوق جمع آوری این اخبار متعلق به مرکز فرآوری اطلاعات پارس نماد داده ها میباشد.هرگونه کپی برداری و سوء استفاده از این اخبار موجب پیگرد قانونی است.
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