تهران - میدان هفت تیر - ابتدای خیابان قائم مقام فراهانی - بعد از سه راه مشاهیر - کوچه سام- پلاک 17- طبقه 4
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tender of purchasing 50PCS CaSi Coil Wire

    کد پارس نماد: 843677
    استان: خوزستان تاریخ درج آگهی: 1396/02/17
    تاریخ شروع: 1396/02/17 مهلت اسناد: 1396/02/23
    شماره آگهی: 367879 منبع: تهران تایمز 96.02.17
    عنوان آگهی: tender of purchasing 50PCS CaSi Coil Wire
    شرح آگهی:
      50PCS CaSi Coil Wire
    casi  chemical specification% 

     coil shoud be in metallic pallets.
    protective guard of coil shouid be angle or profile (square) type
    Coil should be covered by 2 plastic layers and kept in the roofed place.

    july & August (in 2 Parts)
    delivery date  2017
     wire specification
     13 mm wire diameter 
     vertical which opens
     type of coil
     about 1250 kg  coil weight
     oval  type of coils front ring
    physical specification 
    dimension (mm) vertical coil 
     100+1200  a
      100+1200  b
      100+800  c
       100+900  d
     600  e
    interested bidders may obtain set of documents, containing the relevant terms and conditions by submission of a written application and payment of a non-refundable fee of:
    eur 50"fifty euro" to one of the below account no.:
    1) account no.0100013543943 at "export development bank of iran-ahvaz central branch"
    2) account no. 1902-750-4019644-1 at " eghtesad novin bank of iran- ahvaz shariati branch" or rials 2.000.000 , "two million rials" to one of the below account nos.:
    1) account no. 0102513186002 at "melligank of iran- ahvaz ksc branch"
    2)account no. 0100304453001 at"saderat bank of iran- ahvaz ksc branch"
    and present the payment receipt to the following addreess:
    raw material & energy purchasing department
    khouzestan steel company (ksc)
    km 10 ahvaz- bandar imam khomeini road
    post code: 61397-31398
    note1: bidder shall submit with tender a bid bond issued by an iranian bank or by a euro pean first class bank the amount of 100.000.000 Rial or 3.000 Eur for 50 PCS Casi Coli Wire and may reduce in proportion with the quantity of bidders offer.
    note 2: all bids must inform us about their participation in our tender up to 13thMay, 2017..
    when your company is confirmed and the tender document is sent to you, you must be delivered  to the aforesaid address on or before the closing date 22thMay,2017.
    the opening date of envelopes will be at 10:30 AM on the 23thMay, 2017 in the buyers conference room located at the head office of ksc ahvaz-irn and the bidders or therir authorized representatives can attend the meeting of the tender.
    note3: for more information, please contact the following:
    tel. no.:+98 61 32908114/32136119
    fax no.: +98 61 32908115
    ms.f.fadami email: f.fadami@ksc ir    or    visit:http://www.ksc.ir

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