جهت دریافت مناقصه یا مزایده شغلی خود، ثبت نام کنید
آگهی گزار
کمیساریای عالی سازمان ملل متحد در امور پناهندگان
کد پارس نماد
شماره آگهی
تاریخ شروع
تاریخ درج
تاریخ خاتمه آگهی
پارس نماد 1401.09.05
عنوان آگهی
مناقصه price quotation for for the office improvement services..., مناقصه price quotation for for the office improvement services...
شرح آگهی
DATE: 23/11/2022
The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), established on December 14, 1950 by the United Nations General Assembly, requests your price quotation for for the office improvement services for UNHCR offices in Tehran and Persian Gulf Center in Tehransar. 1. REQUIREMENTS Please quote the provision of the following goods/services: Description: This RFQ is for provision of office improvement services for UNHCR offices in Tehran and Pesian Gulf Center in Tehransar as per Annex “A” – Statement of Work – of this request for quotation.
Important notes:
- For detailed specification please refer to Annex “A”.
- The bidders are strongly requested to conduct a site visit. The site visit will be on Tuesday 29th Nov 2022 at 10:00 AM.
- Please note that the acceptable tentetive working days/time is as follow:
• Thursdays: After 17:00
• Fridays: From 08:00 AM
Saturdays: From 08:00 AM
The bidders are requested to provide a project implemintation plan toghether with the bid submission proposal.
Important notes:
- For detailed specification please refer to Annex “A”.
- The bidders are strongly requested to conduct a site visit. The site visit will be on Tuesday 29th Nov 2022 at 10:00 AM.
- Please note that the acceptable tentetive working days/time is as follow:
• Thursdays: After 17:00
• Fridays: From 08:00 AM
Saturdays: From 08:00 AM
The bidders are requested to provide a project implemintation plan toghether with the bid submission proposal.
Please include the following price information in your quote (without VAT):
- Currency: IRR
- Unit Cost: (DAP)
- Cost of all items/service:
- Additional charge, if any (please specify):
- Total Cost for goods (all inclusive):
The detalied stetament of the work for implimentaion requested by UNHCR can be found in Annex A. Your offer should clearly state whether or not the items you are offering are fully conforming to the terms of reference given. Clearly state and disclose any discrepancies with the specifications given.
Please note that UNHCR has tax and duty exemption status.
2. RFQ Submission
We would appreciate receiving your quotation on or before Sunday, 04 December 2022 at 12:00 pm by email in PDF format at IRNTESUP@unhcr.org
Please be aware of the fact that the e-mail policy employed by UNHCR limits the size of attachments to a maximum of 20 Mb so it may be necessary to send more than one e-mail for the whole submission.
Please indicate in the e-mail subject field:
- RFQ- IRNTE-2022-038
- Name of your firm
- Number of e-mails that are sent (example: 1/2, 2/2)
Your quotation must be valid as least for 30 days. The standard payment terms of UNHCR is net 30 days upon satisfactory delivery of goods or services and acceptance thereof by UNHCR.
Please find attached
- ANNEX A – Statement of Work;
- ANNEX B – Technical Offer Form;
- ANNEX C – Financial Offer Form;
- ANNEX D - The General Conditions of UNHCR contracts for the Provision of Goods - July 2018;
- ANNEX E - UN Supplier Code of Conduct; -
ANNEX F - Vendor Registration Form.
Please note that by submitting an offer you are deemed to have fully accepted UNHCR's General Conditions for the Provision of Goods and Services and as well as UN Supplier Code of Conduct. UNHCR reserves the right to accept all or part of the offer or to allow a partial or partial award.
Thank you for your kind attention
این آگهی به درخواست شرکت مناقصه گزار طبق نمونه تصویر آگهی صرفا جهت اطلاع رسانی می باشد در خصوص استفاده از این آگهی هر گونه مسئولیت پرداخت به آگهی دهنده و بررسی و احراز هویت به عهده شرکت کنندگان می باشد و پایگاه خبری پارس نماد هیچگونه منفعت و مسئولیتی بابت تعهد این آگهی ندارد.
تمام آگهی ها طبق نمونه تصویر آگهی صرفا جهت اطلاع رسانی می باشد در خصوص استفاده از این آگهی هر گونه مسئولیت پرداخت به آگهی دهنده و بررسی و احراز هویت به عهده شرکت کنندگان می باشد و پایگاه خبری پارس نماد هیچگونه منفعت و مسئولیتی بابت تعهد این آگهی ندارد.
برای شرکت در مناقصه حتما از تصویر آگهی در سایت پارس نماد داده ها استفاده نمایید
جهت دانلود تصویر آگهی کلیک کنید.
دانلود تصویر مناقصهاسناد مناقصه مناقصه price quotation for for the office improvement services... به علت اتمام مهلت شرکت در مناقصه از روی وب سایت برداشته شده است. برای رویت اسناد جدید به صفحه اسناد مناقصه مزایده مراجعه کنید.
کد پارس نماد: 5193631
استان/شهر: تهران
مهلت آگهی: 1401/09/08
خلاصه آگهی: مناقصه price quotation for for the office improvement services...
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